The Remnant Ministry is birthed out of prayer. You are not here by accident. You’ve been specifically prayed for, that you’d be drawn to us by The Spirit of God.

We exist to be a voice to win the lost souls, equip the Church to “come up higher” and get oil in you lamps (The Word of God and close prayer relationship with Jesus). And we exist to call the Prodigals back to God.

We can’t do our mission alone. We trust God to bring in faithful partners to allow us to reach more souls for Jesus.

Our vision is to do tent revival services around the Nation as well as stadium revival services. Renting land and facilities is costly, as well as getting the word out to the public about these services.

That is the primary function of partnership, to help sow into a movement across the nation for The Gospel to be preached.

If you feel led by The Spirit to sow into this ministry cheerfully, we gratefully accept your partnership to do this work of The Lord.

Also please keep this ministry in your prayers as we endeavor to do a great thing to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.

May God bless you abundantly for partnering with us.